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Golden Bridal Shoot: Utah Bridal Photographer

You know those days when everything just doesn't go according to plan? This was one of those days.

I woke up the morning of this shoot to a message from my scheduled models saying they had to cancel on me for this afternoon.

Like, I get it, things happen, but I had arranged for the talented Jessica Hardin Florals to make me a beautiful bouquet and had a dress from Bree Lena Designs. So it's not like I could just reschedule...I had vendors who had donated their time and talent to this shoot. After scrambling all morning to find a replacement couple, all while wrangling my 2.5 year old and my 5 month old, I had the cutest and sweetest girl reach out to me saying she was available!

I was originally planning on a couple, but I'm so happy with how the shoot ended up. I love spending one-on-one time with a subject. It allows me to focus more one their interaction with the camera and gives me the opportunity to experiment more with lighting and posing.

Sometimes our best laid plans end up getting ruined. That's called life. What I've found, is some of my most favorite shoots are those that were thrown together last minute or we had to make a drastic change because of weather or other circumstances. It's all about embracing change, going with the flow, and enjoying the ride. Because if I have a camera in my hand and a person to photograph - I'm a pretty happy camper.

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