When this mom contacted me for newborn photos for her twin boys in Salt Lake City I was so excited! Twins are so fun - it's double the cuteness. These cuties were in the NICU for a little bit but are healthy and thriving. The family's two oldest girls were the epitome of perfect big sisters. They were so good at holding their baby brothers and loving on them the perfect amount (read: not a toddler's "smothering/suffocating" type loving, haha). The family's house sat on a beautiful street in Sugarhouse with towering trees lining the road full of beautiful fall leaves. At the end of the session we brought the girls outside to do a few pictures to showcase the beautiful street. All in all the session went very smooth. The babies took some convincing to go to sleep - me and Lindsay (the mom) tag-teamed it. We both bounced the babies until they were asleep to get the pictures of the two babies on the bed together. Two sets of hands is definitely need with two babies!
If you're having a baby - or better yet, twins - shoot me an email and let's get newborn pictures scheduled in your home!